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Human Activeness as a Factor of Sustainable Development of the Region's Economy

Author (s)

Nazarov Abdushukur Abdurahimovich


Some theoretical questions of formation of human activeness are considered and manifes­tation of human activity as a factor of ensuring sustainable development of the regional economy is revealed. The grounded literary review of the concept of “human activeness is conducted, the difference between human activeness and activity is determined as well as the conceptual apparatus of human activity. Human activeness is revealed through active employment in economic sectors of the region. It shows human activity in a diligent organization of small business, it is proved that human activeness stimulates bold step in organization of small businesswhich is a locomotive ofmarket economy development. The practical essence of human activenessthrough evincement of new ideas and innovative approaches associated with the organization of new enterprises and manufacturing of produce is revealed. In general, it is shown that manifestation of human activeness can certainly increase sustainability of the region's economy.


human activeness, stability, region, regional economy, manifestation of human activity


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 April 2020