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The Future Intellect: Lapidary Contemplations Concerned with the Connection of Brain with Politics and Management – Review to the Book Written by Mitio Cacu

Author (s)

Melkov S. A., Lyabah A.Y., Aleynikova L. Gh.


The article presents a brief review-synopsis to the book of Japanese neurobiologist and physicist, futurologist, popularizator of science Mitio Cacu “The Future of Intellect”. The authors expound the result of the experimental questioning conducted among professors of the Academy of civil protection under the Ministry of Extraordinary Situations of Russia for assessment of certain scientific provisions formulated by the author; five scores system being applied. A number of practical inferences is made: the book can be useful for scholars-humanitarians for understanding the interconnection of human behabiour with use or harm for socium; it may help politilogists reveal new modes, mechanisms and methods for studying practical conduct of people in politics; the study of similar books will promote to form a new original scientific method for politological researches. The article has been worked out in the frames of the scientific school “State Policy and Management” functioning in the Academy of civil protection under the Ministry of Extraordinary Situations of Russia.


brief review-synopsis, “The Future of Intellect” by Mitio Cacu, experimental questioning, people’s behavior in politics, use or harm for socium, new scientific method, politological researches


1.                  Cacu M. The Future of Intellect // translation from English. -M. Alpina non-Fiction, 2019. – 646 pp.

2.                  Wilson E. O. On Human Nature // translation from English by T. O. Novikova; introductory article and scientific editorship by A. V. Bykov. – M.: Kuchkovo Field, 2015. – 352 pp.

3.                  Vaal F. Are we Clever enough to Judge Animals’ Intellect? // translation from English. – M.: Alpina non-Fiction, 2017. – 404 pp.

4.                  Vaal F. Sources of Morality: In Quests of the Human with Primates. M.: Alpina non-Fiction, 2019. – 380 pp.

5.                  Mars Inhabitant [Electronic resoursec]. URL: https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/841700/  (Date of request: 29.10.2019)

Publication date

Thursday, 23 April 2020