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The Ways of Perfection of State Support in Reference to Households under Transitive Economy Conditions

Author (s)

Ahmedova Mukaddaskhon Abduhamidova


The article dwells on the problems of realization of main functions carried out by households under the sway of transformational processes in economic system. The inference is made that households are the most vulnerable elements of economy finding itself under the influence of negative processes at the final stage of transformation, further on they serve as source of negative effect upon economy under unfavourable development of events. The conclusion is made being proceeded from the analysis running to the effect that it is low level of incomes and uncertainty with non-stability of income sources that account for their problematic plight. In order to solve the problems emphasized it is recommended for the state to actively interfere into the activities of household in the term of supporting entrepreneurial activities and conducting a number of socialized arrangements aimed at an increase of incomes possessed by each member of a household.


household, poverty, economic transformation, incomes of households, expenditures of households, small entrepreuneurship


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Publication date

Tuesday, 05 November 2019