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Prevention of Terrorism in Russian Regions: the Role of State and Civil Society (on the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan)

Author (s)

Bolshakov A. G., Mavrin O. V.


The article dwells on major issues concerned with national security formation. The experience of Tatarstan Republic is taken as an example as here the authorities cope successfully with the existing problems resorting advantageously to administrative-enforcing resources and preventive measures. The author points to principal slants of the activities carried out by civil society for opposing to terrorism: social-economic, rights advocating, investigative-consultative, enlightening, propagandistic-agitational, reconciliating ones. Recommendations are given as to successful effectuation of preventive programs, here refer, in particular, the following ones: continuation of state financing and development of social co-financing, creation of the system of grants for scientific collective organizations (SCO’s) and scientific teams, utilization of mechanisms of statal-private partnership by elaboration and allocation of resources for the programs on terrorism prevention. It is underscored particularly that a part of enlightening arrangements in the frames of preventive programs is bound to be conducted exceptionally on a gratuitous basis.


national security, regional practice, programs of prevention, administrative-enforcing frameworks, conflict management


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2.                  Zaitsev A. V. Civil Society Dialogics. – Kostroma: Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov, 2013. - 443 pp.

3.                  Antiterror. Practical Guide-Book for a Citizen: Collection // Complied by the editorial-board of the site “Antiterror.Ru”. – M.: “Europe” publishing-house, 2005. - 112 pp.

4.                  Conflict Origins in the North Caucasus: monograph // I. V. Starodubrovskaya, D. V. Sokolov. – M.: Publishing-house “Delo” (Cause) under Russian Academy of Sciences and State Service, 2013. - 280 pp.

5.                  Kozlov V. Ye. Expertise of Extremistic Activity in Interaction with Different Groups of Tatarstan Republic Population // Terrorism in Contemporary Society: Principal Characteristics and Technologies of Counteraction: collection of scientific articles and educational-methodical materials // authors-compilers: A. G. Bolshakov, A. Zh. Mezhvedilov, Ye. A. Tereshina, Yu. V. Vinogradova et alia. – Kazan: Kazan University Publishing-house, 2013. – pp. 43-46.

6.                  New Challenges to National Security of Russia: Influence of Modern International Terrorism: collection of educational-methodical materials // authors-compilers: A. G. Bolshakov, R. G. Galihuzina, A. V. Ivanov, T. Z. Mansurov. – Kazan: Kazan University publishing-house, 2015; Prevention of Extremism and Terrorism: manual // under the editorship of A. G. Bolshakov. – Kazan: Kazan University publishing-house. 2015

7.                  Grachyov S. I. Terrorism. Issues of Theory: monograph. – Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University publishing-house named after N.I.Lobachevsky, 2007. – p. 34

Publication date

Tuesday, 23 April 2019