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Optimization of Regional Economy Structure as a Factor of Sustainable Economic Development of the Region

Author (s)

Rasulova Khayriniso Abduraufovna


The author has studied the issues concerned with a building of an optimal structure of regional economy; the former, being a factor of sustainable development, promotes effective production of GRP. It is underscored that there isn’t a generally assumed tool for this sort of building either in foreign economy science or in home one. The author explicates the notion “optimal structure of regional economy”, designing on the premise of available researches; she substantiates the necessity of utilizing structural shifts as an instrument of effectuation of economy reforms targeted at sustainable development. The dynamics of Sughd viloyat economy branch structure has been analyzed for the span of 2005 – 2017; priority branches being determined in reference to regional economy. Priority perspectives related to the transition of Tajikistan from the fourth technological structure to the sixth one are described as well. The author has resorted to economico-mathematical methods of prognostication, in particular, the forecast of a branch structure of Sughd viloyat up to the year of 2030 has been carried out by the method of trend projecting.


branch structure of regional economy, optimalness of structure, structural shifts, prognostication of branch structure of the region, sustainability of branches, priority branches for development


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Publication date

Monday, 22 April 2019