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Some Aspects of the Formation of Customs' Service of Tajikistan Republic in Regulation of Outward Trade Relations

Author (s)

Marufov Firdawsjohn Karimovich


The article presents a research of the formation of outward customs' policy being an analysis of the state of export-import operations with the ways of their structural rationalization which are underscored. The author considers a limitation of exported goods nomenclature and substantiates a necessity of economic integration with CIS countries with an objective of economy growth attainment and competitiveness elevation, he makes an emphasis upon an enlargement of the principles referring to the use of normative-legal documents of international trade. He has elicited priority streamlines of state support of outward trade relations surmounting technology backwardness of production, insisting on a support of goods producers working for export. The author expounds the principles of formation concerned with normative-legal instruments of Tajikistan Republic aimed at customs' regulation of outward economic activity: complex structure, sistemity, transparency, codification, targetedness at a defence of national economy interests.


customs' politics, import-export potential, outward economic activity, economic integration, normative-legal instruments, competitiveness


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Publication date

Tuesday, 05 November 2019