The article deals with the current issue of using a methodical approach to estimation of the resource potential and significance of its research on regional scale. The author considers the methodological approaches to estimation of the resource potential of different researchers. In this case the resource potential is a function consisting of the elements of the resource potential. The author points out that, the analysis of the structure of GRP will allow to single out those areas of economy, which contribute mostly into the development of the region. The structure of the industry reflects in details of branches industries, therefore, during the analysis of the structure, concrete branches of industries are distinguished high stares in the total amount of production. When analyzing the structure of imports, a share of products is calculated by branch industry in the total amount of imports, that makes it possible to allocate products that are insufficiently under-produced in the region and accordingly, are available for import substitution.
resource potential, region, regional potential, assessment, assessment of the potential of the region, assessment methodology, region's economy, import substitutions, assessment
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