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Classification of Transaction Costs under Modern Conditions

Author (s)

Mirboboev R.M., Kholmatova S.A.


The article dwells on the concepts of “transaction” and “transaction costs”, shows their essence as an important component of economic activity, their role in the context of intensification of international economic relations of economic entities. The author analyzes various scientific ideas and multifaceted scientific points of view in the field of disclosing and grouping of transaction costs which, due to their specific features, appear unexpectedly in the activities of economic entities. Theoretical assumptions are made as to classification of transaction costs; intensified competition at the market being taken into account. The authors put in good order  the  structure of  transaction  costs  and  substantiate theer  place in  economic activities of economy entities.The necessity of classification of transaction costs in the activities of modern enterprises and firms in the face of increasing threats to their growth is well-grounded.


transaction costs, economics, economic theory, neoinstitutional economics, enterprises, economic entity, classification


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Publication date

Tuesday, 05 November 2019