The article dwells on the peculiarities of interaction between state power bodies and independent mass media. A great amount of home and foreign scientific- theoretical material is analyzed. In particular, such issues are touched upon as specific mutual relations between state power bodies and independent MM in the period of social-political transformation, major transformational stages of these relations, influence of political system transformation and social-political relations of sovereign Tajikistan upon interaction between state power bodies and independent mass media, problems of interaction and conflict in the relations between political power and independent MM, access to information and etc. The author states the fact of competitive mass media market having being formed in Tajikistan. MM are considered as an important tool of political marketing, the author shows the way of optimization of interaction between state power bodies and independent MM.
средства массовой информации, политическая трансформация, единое информационное пространство, единая информационная политика, новая информационно-политическая система, рынок масс-медиа, PR- «паблик рилейшенз»
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