The article dwells on theoretical aspects of formation and development of production infrastructure in the region. Some conceptions of formation and development in question have been analyzed and respective theoretical inferences have been made. The author has systematized the existing interpretations done by Russian scholars in reference to the concept “production infrastructure of the region” and proposed the treatment of his own in regard to the given category; the latter disclosing the essence of production infrastructure under the specific conditions of Tajikistan Republic. He expresses the opinion that the conception of territorial division and allocation of manufacturing is a basis of production infrastructure development; so, further on, under improvement of a production model of the region one should proceed just from this factor. Prospective directions of development in regard to regional manufacturing infrastructure in Tajikistan Republic are determined too. The author underscored a necessity of implementation of a regional economy development programme moving to the foreground a development of manufacturing infrastructure.
region, regional economy, production infrastructure of the region, theoretical aspects, conceptions of formation and development, allocation of manufacturing
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