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Formation and Development of Pharmatheutical Market of Tajikistan and Factors Determining it

Author (s)

Mirzoyev Asror Iskandarshoyevich


The author of the article has canvassed and analyzed the problems of formation and principle tendencies of development of pharmatheutical market in Tajikistan Republic; the situation in the pharmatheutical branch of the republic being considered as well. He described following items: comparatively low indices of expenses for health service from the state budget, procurement of population with medicinal remedies, volumes of production in reference to medicinal preparations, share of home produce at the internal market, export of parmatheutical industry produce for the period of 2012 - 2016; the existing problems hindering a development of pharmatheutical branch in the republic being elicited alongside. Well-grounded suggestions aimed at an ensurance of development of the given branch at the present state of its innovational evolution are presented.


pharmatheutical market, medicinal remedies, pharmatheutical branch, pharmatheutical services, chemist’s network


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7.                  www.moh.tj. – Official Site of the Ministry of Health Service and Social Protection of Population of Tajikistan Republic (date of addressing: 25. 09. 2017)

8. www.stat.tj. - Official Site of the Agency on Statistics under the Auspices of Tajikistan Republic President. (date of addressing: 16.11.2017).

Publication date

Tuesday, 11 September 2018