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Realization of Citizens` Rights and Freedoms by the Bodies Downwriting the Acts of Civil States in Tajikistan Republic

Author (s)

Yakubi Dilnoza Tolibzoda


The advocacy of rights and legal interests of man and citizen is in the field of view of both home and foreign scientists. It is underscored that the modern theory of state and law considers realization of rights as a way and mechanism of defence in reference to citizens` rights and freedoms. In this connection the article dwells on the explored issues of realization of citizens` rights and freedom by the bodies  downwriting the acts of civil state in Tajikistan Republic. The theory of realization of rights is researched by means of comparative-legal methods; its significance, structure and forms being elicited by the author. As the author deems, the issues in question have been scantily explored up to now.


citizen, law, realization of rights, state body, law regulation, legal relations, individual, advocacy of rights


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Publication date

Tuesday, 08 May 2018