The article dwells on theoretical and methodological grounds of a mechanism of macroeconomic regulation of regional development and ways of its perfection. Formation of the mechanism of state regulation of economic development of the region, its use in accordance with the requirements of objective economic laws is an extremely topical issue, a solution of which depends on the level of territorial administration efficiency and the achievement of stated goals of regional economic policy. Its significance increases if we take into account the conducted modernization and decentralization of management, as well as the complication of socio-economic processes and relationships between business entities and regulatory bodies. The mechanism of macroeconomic regulation of regional development is an integrated system of methods by which the state exercises its influence on economy. Changing conditions of sustainable development necessitate an improvement of regulatory methods and state measures aimed at territorial development. Proceeding from this assumption, the scientific viewpoints on a theoretical definitions of the notion “mechanism in economy” have been analyzed. The essence of economic mechanism and the distinctive features of its functioning have been revealed. The ways of perfection of the mechanism targeted at macroeconomic regulation of regional development at the contemporary stage have been proposed.
macro-economic policy, perfection, regional economy, economic mechanism, macroeconomic regulation, social-economic development, state regulation, regional development
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