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Potential Advantages and Limitations in Reference to Transformation of Municipal Districts into Urban Circuits: Comparative Analysis of the Situation

Author (s)

Dankova Zh.Y., Klochkova M. N.


The article dwells on transformation of municipal districts into urban circuits; Istra urban circuit being taken as an example; the authors analyze the formed situation concerning a status change of a municipal formation. Proceeding from one-dimensional comparative analysis of powers, arrangement and organizational devices of work conducted in a municipal district and in an urban circuit and also of the results connected with qualitative content-analysis of opinions and citizens` attitude to the process explored, the authors formulate practical recommendations which, to their mind, will to a certain extent promote formation and development of the newly created Istra circuit.

The article has been prepared in the frameworks of the scientific-research seminar “Effective Statal and Municipal Management” conducted for day-time first year students of Mastership standard under the Academy of Civil Protection attached to the Ministry of Extraordinary Situations of Russia under the supervision of senior lecturer, candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor Zhanna Yuryevna Dankova and the scientific school “State Policy and Management” working in the given higher school on a permanent basis.


Istra urban circuit, qualitative transformation, consolidated budget, content-analysis, municipal education, one-dimensional comparative analysis, management effectiveness


1.                  Federal Law from 06. 10. 2003, №131-ФЗ (recension from 05. 12. 2017) “On General Principles of Local Management Organization in Russian Federation” (with alterations and addenda, validated since 16.12.2017) [Electronic resource // Laws. Codes and Normative-Legal Instruments of Russian Federation [site]. http://legalacts.ru/doc/131_FZ-ob-obwih-principah-organizacii-mestnogo-samoupravlenija/(date of addressing: 27. 12. 2017)

2.                  The Law of Moscow oblast from 22. 02. 2017, №21/2017-03 “On Organization of Local Self-Management on the Territory of Istra Municipal District” [Electronic resource] // Urban circuit of Istra: official site. URL: http://istra-adm.ru/editors/tinymce/upload-files/2017/a5M7wDu4N39T687cMbS4.pdf (date of addressing: 27. 12. 2017).

3.                  Dedov Villagers Have Listened to the News about the Circuit [Electronic resource] // The News of Istra District “Istra News in the network (site). URL: http://istravest.ru/articles/7720/ (date of addressing: 28. 12. 2017).

4.                  The New “Cosmodrome” – Istra Urban Circuit: [Electronic resource] // The News of Istra District “Istra News” (site). URL: http://истраньюс.рф/2016/10/25/новый-космодром-истринский-городск/ (date of addressing: 28. 12. 2017)

5.                  The Rayon Territories Being Bound for Unision for Citizens’ Welfare [Electronic resource] // Istra News (site). URL: http://in-istra.ru/novosti/obschestvo/territorii-rayona-obedinyat-dlya-blagopoluchiya-zhiteley/ (date of addressing: 28. 12. 2017).

6.                  Public Hearings Have Started in Istra Rayon [Electronic resource] // Istra News (site). URL: http://in-istra.ru/novosti/obschestvo/publichnye-slushaniya-nachalis-v-istrinskom-rayone (date of addressing: 28. 12. 2017).

7.                  Unision of Territories Having Been Discussed in Novopetrovskoye [Electronic Resource] // Istra Rayon News “Istra News in the Network.. URL: http://istravest.ru/articles/7710/ (date of addressing: 28. 12. 2017).

8.                  They Have Started Unision with Council [Electronic resource] // Istra News (site) URL: http://in-istra.ru/novosti/obschestvo/obedinenie-nachali-s-soveta (date of addressing: 27. 12. 2017).

9.                  Mosoblduma Has Approved of Urban Circuit Formation on Istra Rayon Territory [Electronic resource] // MOIAR (Moscow oblast informational agency of Russia – Major News. URL: https://riamo.ru/article/192172/mosoblduma-odobrila-formirovanie-gorodskogo-okruga-na-territorii-istrinskogo-rajona.xl (date of addressing: 28. 12. 2017).

10.               Will they Transform Istra Rayon into Istra Urban Circuit?  [Electronic Resource] // official site of Pavlo-Slobodsky Rural Settlement, Istra rayon, Moscow oblast (site) URL: https://psloboda.com/topic/890-истринский-район-преобразуют-в-городской-округ-истра/  (date of addressing: 27. 12. 2017).

11.               Unision of Municipalities into Circuits: what Istra Rayon Residents Should wait for [Electronic resource] // Telechannel 360 (site). https://360tv.ru/news/obschestvo/obedinenie-municipalitetov-v-okruga-chego-zhdat-zhitelyam-istrinskogo-rajona-82755/ (date of addressing: 26. 12. 2017).

12.               Istra Rayon Will Become an Urban Circuit [Electronic Resource] // The news of Istra Rayon “Istra News in the Network” (site). URL: http://istravest.ru/articles/7849/(date of addressing: 26. 12. 2017).

Publication date

Thursday, 13 September 2018