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Forganization of Support of Agricultural Production under Market Conditions

Author (s)

Tarek Wafiq Mahmoud Frehat


The article dwells on such issues as insurance of food safety in the country by the agroindustrial sector of Kyrgyzstan economy, elicitation of internal produce reserves, directions of state support and regulation of production, substantiation of scientific-methodological provisions; the author moves suggestions on an improvement of state support and reproduction in agricultural organizations. He elicited the problems of financing and lending in regard to the agrarian sector, principal objectives and goals of AIC organizations which are integrated into associations, alliances and other formations; the ways of economy modernization under the conditions of integration being considered as well. Materials on distribution of bank credits among branches, existing risks and modes of their overcoming are adduced. Practical aspects of development in reference to integrated formations based on progressive home and foreign experience are suggested.


agricultural production, lending, bank, influence, economy, integration, reproduction 


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6. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Melioration of Kyrgyzstan. Regime of availability: http://www.agroprod.kg.

7. Annual Report of Kyrgyz Republic National Bank. Regime of availability: http://www.nbkr.kg.

8. Materials of National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic. Regime of availability: http://stat.kg/ru//.

9. Data of Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Finances. // Regime of availability: http://www.minfin.kg/.

Publication date

Wednesday, 12 September 2018