In pursuance with Tajikistan Republic Constitution local bodies of state power consist of representational and executive ones. Local representational organs act on behalf of people’s deputies madjlises, local executive ones function in the person of a chairman. Legal regulation of local madjlises’ work and organizational forms of their activities are dwelt on in the article. Session is singled out as the principle form of activities effectuated by Madjlises of people’s deputies; other organizational forms implemented by local representational bodies being indicated. It is suggested that activities of permanent and temporary commissions should be reflected in Tajikistan Republic legislation, the same refers to the work of the deputies of local representational organs as one of organizational forms of the activities of madjlises in Dushanbe, Kuhistoni-Badakhshon autonomous viloyat, all the rest administrative-territorial units comprising all the country.
Constitutional law, local body of state power; madjlis of people’s deputies, chairman, session, deputy, permanent commissions, temporary commissions
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