Under modern conditions, the problem of national security is largely determined by the quality of alcohol-containing products. The matters of the development of a mechanism for counteracting the illegal market should be settled in the context of the protection of human rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The study researches the issues of alcohol market and the system of public control in this sphere. The research methodology consists of special-legal, statistical, logical methods of research. The authors are convinced that a direct participation of citizens in the sale of alcohol products, public inspection of the order and conditions of production, distribution and consumption of alcohol-containing products can have a positive impact on the health of population and security of society as a whole. The proposed ideas can be used in the course of scientific community discussion concerned with the development of security system in production and sale of alcohol-containing produce, formation of social responsibility of citizens, as well as the legal culture of a voluntary group activist.
alcohol products, alcohol-containing food products, public control, civil society, Public Chamber, national security
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