The article analyzes the "dual" legal regulation of a circulation of natural objects by means of civil law and natural resources industries; she identifies a legal nature of the rules governing a circulation of natural objects; on the basis of the nature of regulated legal relations the conclusion that most of them have a civil legal nature is made. Only those norms that ensure a protection of a natural object in the process of its circulation turnover have a specific natural resource character. As a result of consideration of the issue concerned with subordination of the norms of the Russian civil and special natural resource legislation in the field of circulation of natural objects, the priority of the latters is summarized regardless of whether they are actually civil or dealing with natural resources. Civil legislation is applied in a subsidiary manner. Exception is admissible only in the cases when an application of a civil-legal instrument is envisaged directly in the law referring to natural resources.
civil law norms, branch affiliation, turnover of natural objects, civil legal relations, inter-branch regulation, natural resource legislation, natural resource norms
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