The article dwells on a formation of economic mechanism regulating the activities of functioning subjects of agriculture. The author analyzes the state of their financial stability taking dekhans’ (farmers’) households of Sughd Viloyat as examples. It is elicited that investment of considerable resources into overturning assets entails intensification of their dependence on outward credits. It is substantiated that one ought to create an efficacious economic mechanism on the basis of perfection concerned with price-finances-credit relations whose principle elements are prices, taxes, credit, budget and insurance. Suggestions related to effectuation of state purchases and mortgage operations for covering the costs of production and realization of agricultural goods by producers are prepared. The issues of formation of a special fund of crediting by the state for the benefit of the producers of agricultural goods and agricultural insurance reserve at the expense of deductions from the total sum of insurance instalments are canvassed.
agriculture, economic mechanism, financial stability, prices, credit, insurance, taxation, dekhans’ (farmers’) households
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