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The Role of Tajikistan Republic Constitution in Law Creation Development: Theoretical and Historical Legal Aspects

Author (s)

Shokirov Gaibullo Abdulloyevich, Ismatov Bakhromjohn Dadozhonovich


The authors of the article analyze the problems of law creation development and the role of Tajikistan Republic Constitution in the process of the legal activity considered. Proceeding from multilateral and profound analysis of home and foreign scientists` views they come to the conclusion that in Tajikistan Republic the following forms of law creation are observed: 1. Law creation activity of the people; 2. Law creation activity of state bodies and functionaries. It is underscored that legal relations, i.e. law creation, are regulated in pursuance with constitutional norms and other functioning normative-legal instruments of Tajikistan Republic.


Constitution, law creation, legislation, legal system. law creation activity, subjects of law creation


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Publication date

Wednesday, 12 September 2018