The article dwells on the problem of development of interregional economic ties as a dominance of elevation of economic sustainability. The author moves a hypothesis about a sway of regional interaction over sustainability of regional development. From the positions of systemic approach he undertakes an endeavor to substantiate mutual connection between interregional interaction and sustainability of regional development. It is underscored that sustainability of social-economic system is preconditioned with interaction between its constituent parts and is a result of a new-quality acquired by the system and non-inherent in its forming parts. The economic system of the region consisting of several unstable subsystems may turn out to be stable under their unision. Theoretical grounds of interregional economic-interaction have been determined. Potential conception of organization is proposed; prospective forms of interregional interaction targeted at elevation of regional economy sustainability being elicited.
regional sustainability, regional sustainability factors, systemic approach, interregional interaction, conception of interaction, forms of interregional interaction, economic relations of regions
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