The article dwells on the notion “project”, its polysemy is defined and its application in different spheres of economics is marked. Characteristic peculiarities, specific properties and signs of investment projects are elicited. The authors of the article underscore that it is a regional investment project that functions as one of the important elements ensuring sustainable development of regional socio-economic systems. They adduce general aspects of a conception concerned with regional investment projects – notion and terminology, constituents, objectives and goals. The authors have studied the problem of implementation of regional investitive projects, the role of the latters is disclosed in strategic development of regions, they have also shown the factors exerting influence on the scales of investment activity in the region. The basic tokens of regional investitive projects have been generalized, success of inculcation of their elements into the region can be evaluated by means of these tokens.
project, investitive project, regional investitive project, sustainable development, regional socio-economic system, realization of investitive projects
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