The article dwells on the influence exerted by lobby structures of corporations upon international conflicts; role, importance and place of lobbyism in an advocacy of TNC economic interests being taken into account as well.The principal goal of lobbyism is an acceleration of the process of petitions entrance into state bodies and getting of a profitable result for its client; as for the goal of trans-national structures, it is an achievement of economic objectives for obtaining lucrative contracts and transactions, especially in the sphere of defence industry; advocacy of TNC corporative interests being included into this realm too. Lobby activities in the structure of corporations in their contemporary international conflict is presented in the term of tables for a precise understanding of the essence of the issue in question. The author comes to the conclusion that diverse limitations imposed upon the state by TNC and lobby structures factually destroy state sovereignty.
lobbyism, TNC, conflict, a group based on common interests, corruption, bribery, sanction, MM
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