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Human Development as the Basis of Modern Organization

Author (s)

Gazibekov Sadriddin Arslonbekovich, Abdusattarova Rano Shakirjanovna


The article dwells on human development conception distinguished with uniqueness from other ones. The notion of “human development” is given. Proceeding from the Report of 2017 on global human capital, the author singles out new criteria on formation of human resources of the future. The analysis of the role of population`s employment in Tajikistan Republic for the period of 2010 – 2016 has been conducted. The role of human development in the activity of organization has been shown; it is well-grounded that an existence of each organization and, respectively, common success in state development depends, firstly, on the people involved in it; and, secondly – on an external milieu swaying over an internal one. The role of the National report on human development in an elaboration of problems solution strategy corresponding to local conditions of Tajikistan is mentioned as well.


human capital, human development conception, modern organization, social and political development of countries, population`s employment, National report on human development


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Publication date

Tuesday, 11 September 2018