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Formation and Development of the Institute of Civil-Legal Regulation of Transactions Concerned with the Right for Land Plot USE

Author (s)

Sohibov Muhammadjon Mahmadalievich


The article is a brief analysis of the history of civil-legal regulations of transactions entitling to the right of using a land plot; the issues of their rise and development  are dwelt on in the frames of Moslemic, Soviet and modern law systems. The author canvasses the contemporary legislation state concerned with the development of civil-legal regulation of transactions in question invoking the history of civil and land legislation of Tajikistan in reference to this sphere. The history under discussion is presented with three most important stages: pre-Soviet period (the IX-th – the beginning of the XX-th cc.), the Soviet span (1924-1990), the time since 90-ies up to nowadays (independence period). The author gives periodization of legislation development in the realm of regulation of civil-legal  transactions entitling to the right of land plot use in TR in the period of independence.


civil-legal regulation, transaction, land legislation, civil legislation, right  for land use, land plot, land user


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Publication date

Monday, 04 December 2017