Тhe role of consumer cooperation in the social and economic development of Tajikistan at the market of consumer goods in relation to the conditions of a market economy functioning is researched in the article. A special place in the work is occupied by general characteristics of consumer cooperation as an independent social and economic system of a diversified economy. Significant contribution of cooperative organizations into implementation of trade, production, procurement, outward economic activity and into provision of services in the field of public catering, other types of work performed in the process of selling home and imported goods, as well as providing a wide range of services to the rural population are mentioned in the article. The paper demonstrates the dynamics of growth in the indices of economic activity of the system of consumer cooperation in the republic in 2005-2014 and carries out a multifactor analysis of retail turnover based on the use of a multiple regression equation. The main indicators of the financial and economic activities of this economic system for 2014-2016 are adduced; corresponding generalizations and conclusions being formulated.
consumer cooperation, market of consumer goods, services, demand, supply, trade, production of goods
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