The article analyzes the current research comprehension of public diplomacy and options of practical application of this phenomenon as an additional resource of international interaction. The author traces back the evolution of the concept "public diplomacy" in American scientific discourse and the specific features of recourse to it in scientific-practical rounds of Russia and other states. Key theoretical approaches - neoliberal conception of "soft power", constructivism theory, political communication and national brand concept of marketing theoreticians - towards an interpretation of the phenomenon of public diplomacy are highlighted. Taking into account an increasing role of public diplomacy formats in achieving foreign policy objectives and in constructing an international positive image of states, the author makes an attempt of assessing the potential and recsourses of public diplomacy of Central Asian states and their practical steps in the given field. The author supposes that the use of public diplomacy formats by the region’s states can promote regional cooperation and development of international contacts between states.
public diplomacy, «soft power», public diplomacy, people`s diplomacy, Central Asia, public diplomacy of Tajikistan, cultural diplomacy, state image
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