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The Notion of Penalty Term Delay as a Criminal-Legal Measure of Answerability

Author (s)

Ziyoboyeva Mavzunakhon Narzullokhonovna


The article dwells on basic theoretical and practicalgrounds in reference to the definition and significance of penalty effectuation delay. Resorting to the legal methods of analysis and synthesis the author formulates the notion of delay in reference to punishment effectuation as a criminal-legal measure of answerability and proposes an author’s variant of the concept. It is underscored that a spectrum of procedural grounds for a delay of sentence effectuation is much broader than the availabilities of the criminal-legal institute in reference to punishment realization postponement. The author adduces a narrow range of individuals to whom you may apply the delay in  question with  enumeration of foundations for its abolishment. She expounds also separate suggestions on an improvement of criminal legislation of Tajikistan Republic concerned with punishment effectuation delay. 


Tajikistan Republic, Penal Code, penalty delay, criminal penalty application, legal regulation, criminal law, criminal punishment


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Publication date

Monday, 04 December 2017