In his article the author analyzes economic effectiveness of small and medium enterprises of the sphere of everyday life services in Tajikistan Republic, taking into account potential efficiency of their economic activities. The essence of the sphere of everyday life services is considered by the author. He determines the principal goal of small and medium enterprises and also the structure of the sphere of everyday life services. The problems hindering the activities of small and medium enterprises of the relevant sphere, as well as the directions of the policy targeted at their development are indicated. The author considers the aspects aimed at a formation and development of small and medium enterprises of the sphere of everyday life services and points the quantity of officially registered ones, their role in regard to the growth of country`s economy. The author of the article discloses the role of small and medium enterprises in economy growth and determines the most important perspective goals aimed at the development of small and medium enterprises of the sphere of everyday life services.
Everyday life services, cost of services, innovational activeness, competition, factors of competitiveness
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