The authors of the article canvass an importance of innovational development for the economy of the country at a macroeconomic level, they mark the role of innovative economy for Tajikistan Republic, analyze the state of development of Macro- Entrepreneurship in sectorial and regional contexts and make an inference that for the period considered the highest index demonstrating quantitative ME at the regional level is observed over Khatlon viloyat (region); according to numerosity of those engaged – over Dushanbe; according to the amount of the production traded off – over Sughd viloyat (region). Proceeding from the studies in reference to the experience of the developed countries it is elicited that it is a furtherance of innovative-industrial entrepreneurship which is the most important factor of economy growth; the authors have analyzed factors and problems restraining the evolution of the process in question in the republic and determined the streamlines of activization of innovative-productional entrepreneurship in TR
innovation, manufacturing entrepreneurship, industrial entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized business, support of innovational entrepreneurship, tech-parks, business-incubators, modernizations of economy
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