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On Some Issues Concerned With Conducting Institutional Reforms in the Economy of Tajikistan Republic

Author (s)

Abdukodirov Khayrullo Abdusalomovich


The article dwells on the alterations in the structure of Tajikistan Republic economy under  the conditions of a transitional period. The author marks that a creation of socio-economic conditions for effectuation  of deep reforms in economy is a strategy of economic policy of the state. It is pointed that one of the main trends of structural transformations is a development of small and middle-sized entrepreneurship in territorial aspect. Positive tendencies and also prerequisits creating unfavourable conditions for the economy of the country are revealed. Non-rational utilization of minerals, raw stuffs, production and labour resources results in exhaustion of natural stocks, first of all, strategic  types of raw stuffs, low standard of productive capacities charge, expensive produce cost, reduction of competitiveness, unemployment and its aftermath. Priorities on economy reformation carried out in the country, growth of investments, effectuation of structural transformations afford and will afford in perspective; to attain macroeconomic stability, to create real conditions for further economic growth and population’s life improvement.


structural transformations, reform of economy, social -economic relations, small  and middle sized entrepreneurship, macroeconomic stability


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Publication date

Friday, 01 December 2017