In contemporary Tajikistan, just as in world community upon the whole the struggle with extremism and terrorism and counteraction to them are one of the most important functions of the state. Just in this context the author of the article canvasses the main streamlines of statal bodies activity in the plane of counteraction to extremism and terrorism, correlation between the notions “the function of the state” and “law enforcement functions”. He substantiates his position on recognition of counteraction to extremism and terrorism as one of the forms of effectuation of law enforcement functions on the part of the state. The streamlines of the latters` realization are enumerated. Proceeding from the assumption of constitutional norms the author emphasizes that integrity and immunity of the territory of contemporary Tajikistan are ones of the main elements of the state and their defence is one of the former`s most important functions.
function of the state, law enforcement function, counteraction to extremism and terrorism, preclusion of extremism and terrorism, security insurance, implementation of the function of the state, advocacy on the part of the state
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