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Certain Aspects of Interaction of States and non-Traditional Actors in International Policy

Author (s)

Kholdorov Oybek Nurmatjonovich


The article dwells on some aspects of interaction between non-traditional actors and states in cooperative, neutral and conflicting forms. It is asserted that non-traditional actors compel states to go for interaction with them in contemporary international relations. Non-traditional actors can both perform a mediatory mission between states and international subjects with the purpose of finding a touching point common for the two opposed parties and at the same time they can kindle a clash at any level. The form of interaction between the two parties in question is determined by their interests. The author adduces examples of this type in three forms mentioned above. It is pointed that some non-traditional actors can resolve for extreme methods of struggle if a clash springs up. In order to defend their interests they may move a purpose of throwing off the authorities of the country of their sojourn.


non-traditional actors, states international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), transnational corporations, interaction, cooperation, neutrality, complicit, political process


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Publication date

Wednesday, 28 February 2018