The article examines the role of civil society in realization of anticorruption policy in the Republic of Tajikistan. The author emphasizes that today corruption is considered as an actual problem of Tajikistan. Comprehensive involvement of civil society into a combat with the shameful phenomena is looked upon as one of important and effective mechanisms in overcoming corruption and reducing its level in Tajikistan. Participation of civil society of Tajikistan in anticorruption policy of thes country is assessed as unsatisfactory. The author adduces some factors accounting for inactivity of civil society in anticorruption policy of the country. The author expounds how certain endeavours on the part of civil society of Tajikistan are still undertaken somehow against corruption in Tajikistan in anticorruption direction. In conclusion, the author gives some recommendations to intensify a participation of civil society in combat against corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan.
anticorruption policy, corruption, civil society, state, corruption,overcoming, transparency
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