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Migrational Behavior of Tajikstan’s Popujlation and its Evolutionary Dynamics

Author (s)

Tajibayeva Mavdjuda Negmatovna, Azimova Zulaykho Abdumavlonovna


The following issues have been under consideration: basic strategic goals, objectives, measures and features in regard to migrational behavior  of Tajikistan Republic population and its revolutionary dynamics ; migrational movement of population with the formed social-economic  situation under transformational process being taken into account. The former includes such phenomena as regulation of migration, migrational and demographic processes preconditioned  by conformation of market economy in Tajikistan and CIS countries. The authors single out structural elements of migrational behavior for the given period with strategic goals of migrational policy  pursued by Russian Federation being taken into consideration. Outward and inward labour migration and also the content of returning migration have been characterized. The number of migrants from Tajikistan for the years of 1991-2015, limited,  outward and interim migration are indicated; the latter having contrary features in reference to a returning form of migration. Temporal intervals and situational positions between these forms of migrational processes are pointed out as well. 


accretion of population, migrational politics, laboring migration, outward migration, inward migration, migrational behavior, labour market regulation


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Publication date

Monday, 04 December 2017