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Metaeconomical Principles of Economy Relations in Market Institutional Model

Author (s)

Vakhobov Abduvahob Azimovich


Proceeding from the studied institutional methodology of economic analysis, the author of the article canvasses the problems of interinstitutional distribution of economic power at the market forming in the process of interaction between market institutes.

He explores content principles of the system of economy relations revealing its institutional structure, the latter’s development and functioning structural components inclusive. It is determined that in a revelation of economic picture of the world the principle of institutionality of economy relation is attached a  great importance as its discloses  an institutional structure of the market and logically underscores its subinstitutionality and material framing of economy relations beginning with an ultimately broad form and finishing with  a particularly narrow one. It is substantiated that methodologically  passive contents of metalevel enables to work at empirical and theoretical standards of active consciousness. It allows to consider content  notions, categories, principles and provisions of micro-  macroinstitutional model of market functioning.


institutional economy, metaeconomic principles, institutional and structural institutes, micro- and macroinstitutional system


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Publication date

Friday, 01 December 2017