The article dwells on the theoretical problems of determination in regard to local resources of municipal formation as a basis for region development. The author elicits the essence of the theory of resources and local resources of municipal formation. He makes an attempt to substantiate basic prerequisites of formation and further utilization of local resources of municipal formation. Special attention is paid to the regional treatment of the notion “local resources”. The classification of the types of resources accompanied with the latters’ characteristics is presented empirically; the resources of jamoats on whose basis their social-economic development can be analyzed being considered. The author adduces the opinions of the scientists dealing with the issues of utilization of local resources of the region. He substantiates the importance of the role of local resources in restoration and development of municipal formations (jamoats) in Tajikistan Republic, in particular, those ones of Sughd viloyat.
municipal formation called jamoat, local resources, theory of resources, classification of resources types, utilization of local resources, fuel-power resources
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