The article dwells on the grounds of an application of the theory of stable development in the regional economy as a social-economic system. The authors raise the issue concerned with the influence of infrastructures upon a sustainability of population’s life activities. The role of infrastructure aimed at economic development of the regions as a key factor of stable functioning of both national and regional economies is determined. Formation of the network of infrastructural small enterprises (ISE) is considered as one of the basic conditions of stable social-economic development of the regions. They conducted an analysis of branch composition of infrastructural enterprises and determined their advantages when forming a wide layer of small owners and creating new job vacancies as well. The authors gave the characteristics of market infrastructure as a multi-branch complex of different elements in regard to agricultural mechanism assigned to provide an uninterrupted and effective functioning of subjects – those of market agents. It is underscored that general infrastructure creates conditions for normal functioning of regional and branch subjects, and that one of market renders services to the subject under the conditions of market and competitive struggle.
sustainable development, regional economy, ecological welfare, infrastructural factors, infrastructural services, export marketing, priority spheres
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