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Distance Bank Service and its Role in Bank Sector Development in Tajikistan Republic

Author (s)

Gayurov Gayrat Khakimovich, Makhmadov Orzu Safaraliyevich


The article dwells on the problems of formation and development in regard to distance bank services and their sway over the banking system of Tajikistan Republic. The author underscores a necessity of development concerned with services in question in Tajikistan Republic as the latters are available for clients residing in large cities. He has analyzed characteristic peculiarities of further development of distance bank services and their usage in the banking system of the republic. Their necessity is elicited and substantiated. It is shown that distance bank services have been developing partially under today`s conditions  of Tajikistan Republic bank system and one ought to create prerequisits for their further development. The  necessity of development and improvement of these services in the bank system of Tajikistan Republic is well-grounded upon the whole. However, in concrete localities one must create an effective strategy and proper prerequisits for commercial banks. It is substantiated that distance bank services present a perspective trend for today. The author suggests the ways of perfection for the formers and reveals their role in further development of the bank sector of the republic.


commercial banks, credit organizations, banking service, banking operations, remote banking maintenance, banking sphere, banking branch, internet-banking


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10.    www.eskhata.com.

Publication date

Monday, 04 December 2017