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Formation of Tajikistan Republic Legislation in Regard to Administrative Legal Proceedings

Author (s)

Rakhmatova Zarrina Mirzobekovna


The article dwells on the history of formation of TR legislation in regard to administrative legal proceedings which is closely connected with the history of upspringing and development of administrative law reflecting general features and peculiarities of this branch of law in the republic. It is stressed that original elements and the rudiments of administrative legal proceedings on the historic territory of Tajikistan were known millennia ago up to administrative law appearance. Such court is known under the title of «mazalim». The author discloses importance, essence and peculiarities of «mazalim» court as the one effectuating administrative legal proceedings. It is marked that further development of the theme studied in Tajikistan Republic is connected with obtained national independence.


administrative justice, administrative legal proceedings, public-legal controversy, administrative suits, administrative cases, «mazalim», administrative courts 


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Publication date

Monday, 24 October 2016