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Perfection of State Mechanism of Economy Growth Stimulation in Tajikistan Republic

Author (s)

Begov Dilshod Mirzomurodovich


The article dwells on monetary and fiscal mechanisms of economy growth stimulation under the conditions of transitive economy in Tajikistan. Through the prism of empiric analysis of the state of monetary-crediting and fiscal politics principal trends of their perfection are suggested; the latters being looked upon as fundamental mediatorial factors ensuring economy growth. In the frames of the elaborated conception it is suggested that commercial banks should be given credits according to refinanced tariffs and critical dependence of economy on foreign currency were reduced. In the plane of fiscal mechanisms improvement the author moves a proposal to enlarge a tax imposed base concerned with direct taxes.

Measures aimed at a perfection of state mechanisms of stimulation of economy growth in the surroundings of Tajikistan Republic are envisaged, they will afford to create conditions for a consequent economic development of the country.


Tajikistan Republic, economy growth, stimulation, monetary-crediting system, tax code, investitures, GDP, National Bank


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Publication date

Tuesday, 26 April 2016