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Family-Marriage Relations of Ancient Saks (to the history of the Tajik Law)

Author (s)

Rakhimov Nabijohn Turdialiyevich


The article dwells on the study dealing with the history of the formation of family-marriage relations among Sak tribes of Central Asia being the ancestors of the Tajik nation. The time referring to family formation is determined by science. Family had a special form at each historic period. A number of antique historians described family forms comprehensively. Everyday life of the family referring to the antique period can be established by the remainders of dwellings. The author presents the material of both written and archeological sources concerned with the position of women in the ancient society, marriage age,  marriage forms. In his article the author canvasses property relations between the members of one family and their regulation in the ancient society.


Aryan tribes, Saks, family and marriage, customs and traditions, family law


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Publication date

Tuesday, 17 January 2017