The article dwells on the history of formation and development of Russian-Tajik relations up to the joining of Central Asia to Russia. Proceeding from the data from reliable originals the author of the article traces back to a long history of these interrelations formation, which took their inception long before the formation of Ancient Russian state being Kiev Russ. Numerous coin hoards referring to the period of the VII-th and the X-th centuries discovered on the European part of the Russian territory made us come to the conclusion that the period of Samanids` dominion (referring to 875 – 999) was a favorable time for Russian trade relations with the East. It is proved by Russian and Soviet explorers. Comparatively more intensive development these relations have got after the formation of the Russian centralized state. Beginning with the period of Ivan the Terrible`s rule (1533-1584) ambassadorial ties entered into practice. Mostly prominently and fruitfully ambassadorial and trade relations developed throughout the period of the XVIII-th – the first half of the XIX-th centuries. In his article the author consecutively describes the process of dispatch of mutual embassies, incessant development of trade relations up to the joining of Turkestan region to Russia.
Middle Asia, Russia, Samanids` state, coin hoards, Kiev Russ, Russian centralized state, Bukhara Khanate, Russian-Tajik relations, trade and ambassadorial ties
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