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The Programme of Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC)

Author (s)

Iskandarov Kosimsho Iskandarovich, Safranchuk Ivan Alexeyevich


The article dwells on the programme of Central Asian regional economic cooperation (CAREC) which laid the grounds for multiple regional projects implemented by diverse international organizations. Two conceptions determining CAREC programme development are singled out. It is stressed that the conception of the Great Silk Road being on the premise of CAREC programme documents became an official one. The authors consider the major items worked out by CAREC in the fields of transport energy vehicles, regional cooperation. In the field of transport the following principle goals are outlined: development of transport corridors, strengthening of coordination of countries-participants in the sphere of energy, in preclusion of spontaneous natural afflictions, epidemics. Cooperation in electricity power is aimed at a reformation in the electricity sector of CA with the aim of electric power increased export to adjacent regions. In the sphere of regional cooperation promotion to a creation of favourable conditions for trade inside regions and between them is planned.


Central Asia, economic cooperation in Central Asia, Central Asia and Afghanistan


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Publication date

Tuesday, 26 April 2016