The article dwells on problematically oriented approach towards a regulation of territorial consumptive market of Sughd viloyat (the largest territorial-administrative unit of Tajikistan). The author proposes a mechanism of regulation concerned with territorial consumptive markets including a complex of instruments and measures of affection. She substantiates the degree of the regulation in question on the part of the state. The methods of stage-by-stage analysis affording to assess the state of territorial consumptive markets, to elicit the problems of the formers` functioning and to work out the measures on their solution and also to determine their relative isolation are suggested; hereby, the condition influencing the tendencies of development in reference to local markets with their geographical location, configuration of the ground and climatic situation taken into account are considered as well. Each market is looked upon as a subject of Sughd viloyat economic system on principal tokens. The problems abating an effectiveness of functioning concerned with territorial consumptive markets of the region are singled out.
territorial market, consumer goods market, role of state, problematically oriented approach, cluster analysis, ranging of regional subjects
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