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Answerability for Non-Observance of Audit Secrecy

Author (s)

Kurbanova Khursheda Khairylloevna


The article dwells on the issues concerned with non-divulgence of the data acquired in the course of monitoring of financial-bookkeeping and other documentation of the subjects running a holding on the part of auditors and auditing organizations. The author discloses the provisions of Tajikistan Republic legislation concerned with audit secrecy and all kinds of confidential information in general, she determines also the state of legal regulation in reference to observance of audit secrecy by auditing organizations in Tajikistan Republic.

 The provisions of normative-legal instruments of Tajikistan Republic regulating the issues related to audit secrecy and answerability for its divulgence are analyzed; scientific viewpoints of both home and foreign schools on the theme studied being considered as well.


auditor, audit secrecy, legal regime, confidential information, data unavailable for third persons, divulgence of audit secrecy 


1.        Gayurov Sh.K. Personal Informational Right of Citizens: Problems of Civil Law Regulation in Tajikistan Republic: monograph. – M.: Sputnik, 2010. – 361 pp.

2.        Gubin Ye. P., Lakhno P.G. The Notion of Commercial Secrecy. M., 2004 // [Electronic Resource]. Access through «Consultant-Plus» Certificate Law System (CLS).

3.        Tajikistan Republic Law «On Book-Keeping and Financial Accountancy» // Tajikistan Republic Supreme Council News. 2011, - # 3, p. 169; 2014, # 3. p. 149 (Akhbori Majlisi Oli).

4.        Tajikistan Republic Law «On Commercial Secrecy» // Tajikistan Republic Supreme Council News. 2008, # 6. – p. 461.

5.        Kolomiyets A. Audit Secrecy. Some Problems of Legal Regulation // Holding and Law. 2003. # 11. – pp. 83 – 93.

6.        Mironova O.A. Audit: Theory and Methodology: manual // under the editorship of O.A. Mironova, M.A. Azarskya. – M.: Omega – L. 2007. – 248 pp.

7.        Sannikova L.V. Services in Civil Law in Russia. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2006. – 160 pp.

8.        Sitdikova L.B. Services Aspects of Informational Ensuring of Audit Services // «Taxes». 2008, # 5 [Electronic Resource]. Regime of Availability through «Consultant-Plus» Certificate Law System.

9.        Chirkov A.A. Civil Law Regulation of Executioner`s (Auditor`s) Activity on a Contract Dealing with Audit Services. Candidate dissertation in Jurisprudence: 12 00 03. – Belgorod, 2006. – 159 pp.

10. Shishmaryova Ye.V.Commercial Secrecy in Russian Civil Law: Synopsis of candidate dissertation in jurisprudende: 12 00 03. – M., 2004. – 26 pp.  

Publication date

Monday, 24 October 2016