In the system of state support of the reproductional process in agroproduction the institutional infrastructure of state regulation occupies an important place. Therefore the article dwells on the issue related to elevation of effectiveness of economy subjects functioning in the sphere of agroproduction under the conditions of market economy, institutional infrastructure as a leading sub-system of an agrarian sector. The author considers an institutional structure of state regulation of reproductional process which effectuates the regulation aimed at optimal development of agroproductional branches; reproductional process of economy subjects and land tax in the sphere of agrarian land use having a privileged character and including only a part of land rent. The author substantiates the role and importance of economic methods of state regulation of the activities of economy subjects in the process of reproduction. He canvasses price disparities in agrarian economy and analyzes an index of prices for consumer goods and services in Tajikistan Republic.
agroproduction, state regulation, state support, reproductional process, price disparities, institutional infrastructure, informational-analytical institutes, institutes of circulation sphere, tax system
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