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Migration of Population in Post-Soviet Russia

Author (s)

Rybakovsky Oleg Leonidovich


In his work the author identified quantitative and qualitative results of interstatal migration among the population of Russia. He conducted a periodization of interstatal migration among the population of Russia for all post-Soviet time span passed. Principal motives and results of the State Programme on facilitation of voluntary resettlement of compatriots residing abroad to the Russian Federation for the period of 2006 - 2015 are designated. Changes in national composition of immigrants who resettled to Russia for the period of 1992-2015 have been researched. The author adduces the assessment of immigrational potential provided for Russia by CIS and generalizes it. The central problems of internal interregional migration of the population of post-Soviet Russia are elicited. The typology of the regions of Russia concerned with resultativeness and streamline of population`s interregional migration is conducted. The vector of further migration development of Russia is indicated.


constant migration of population, Programme on facilitation of voluntary resettlement of compatriots residing abroad to Russian Federation, interstate and interregional migration of population, migrational potential 


1.      Federal Migrational Service (FMS) of Russian Federation http://www.fms.gov.ru/,  Роsstat, URL: http://www.gks.ru/.

2.      Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Newspaper of Russia) URL: http://www.rg.ru/2012/09/17/programma-dok.html

3.      Sudoplatova V.S. Components and Potential of Demographic Dynamics of Contemporary Russia and its Regions: synopsis of candidate dissertation in economy. – M.: RAS ISEPP FS BIS, 2015. – p.23.

Stolypin P.A. Speech on the Occasion of the Amur Railway Being Put into Operation Pronounced in the State Duma on March 31, 1908. // P.A. Stolypin. Complete Collection of Speeches Held in State Duma and State Council in the Period of 1906 – 1911 // «We Need the Great Russia» // Editor-compiler and author of notes – Yu. G. Felshtinsky. – M.: Young Guard, 1991/

Publication date

Monday, 25 April 2016