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Methodical Approaches Towards the Assessment of Investitive Attraction of Regional Economy

Author (s)

Avezova Makhbuba Muhamedovna, Nasimova Mashhurakhon Abdullojohnovna


The article dwells on the factors which determine the state of investitive attraction of a national state and its separate regions. The authors substantiate a working hypothesis in pursuance with which patent direct dependence between the standard of investitive attraction of the region and the volumes of investitures into it is not perceived. It is supposed that such a situation has been caused by different basic conditions beset with an adoption of the decision concerned with investments by representatives of home and foreign business,’

Into the bargain, world financial crisis accounts for diminution of the amount of home investitures involved into the country`s economy. At the same time the importance of home investitures into the country has been elevating being the object of economists` exploration. Owing to this consideration the authors have conducted survey and analysis of several methods of assessment in reference to investitive attraction of the region and its branches in the country; the pursuit being a base of analysis related to the state of economy in the country.


foreign investitures, home investitures, investitive attraction, country, region, branch, enterprise, volumes of investiture 


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Publication date

Monday, 24 October 2016