In his article the author canvasses the issue related to notion, subject, methods and system of the civil procedural law. Among other methods investigations the author adduces to comparative-legal and historic-legal approaches aimed at the analysis of the issues carried into effect. The author`s idea is based not only on legal norms, but on the examples from the practice of law enforcement either. He considers the essence of the civil procedural law in modern epoch under the new conditions of civil communities rise which presupposes of a new understanding of philosophy law. The author proposes his own determination in regard to each notion under consideration. It is asserted that the system of civil procedural law, just as other systems of law branches, is closely connected with the legal policy of the state which preconditions its capacity for alterations.
civil procedural law, legal regulation, subject, civil case, juridical bodies, common civil court, economy court, arbitral court
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